State Street’s CEO says company backs “all forms of energy” at shareholder meeting
"In the opinion of many shareholders, State Street was wise to jump on the bandwagon to pull out of Climate Action 100+. Can we now expect to see the company also start backing more viable energy sources like oil, gas and nuclear...
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PRESS RELEASE: China’s monopoly over graphite for batteries imperils U.S. energy, security

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Offshore wind cumulative impact issue analysis

By |May 13th, 2024|

When the Feds finally do the cumulative environmental impact analysis for whales as mandated by the Endangered Species Act there are a number of basic issues to be resolved. Here is a quick look at some for the desperately endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW). Cumulative refers to the combined impact of multiple offshore projects. The first issue is which projects to combine for analysis. NARW are found along the entire Atlantic coastal waters which [...]

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